What is a knowledge base
A knowledge base will generally help people keep track of complex topics and how various bits of information relate to each other. While giving examples of knowledge bases is not too difficult, I could not think of a good definition for one. So I used Wikipedia instead.
A knowledge base (KB) is a set of sentences, each sentence given in a knowledge representation language, with interfaces to tell new sentences and to ask questions about what is known, where either of these interfaces might use inference. [1] It is a technology used to store complex structured data used by a computer system. The initial use of the term was in connection with expert systems, which were the first knowledge-based systems. - Wikipedia page on Knowledge base.
Many people have used a knowledge base at one point or another. Whether that is trying to find an answer for a product they just bought, or for performing a certain task at work, or even to look at something on Wikipedia. Creating a personal one gives the ability to easily keep track of knowledge on a topic that are complex and difficult to keep track of, but is very beneficial if done.
Org-roam: The knowledge base within emacs
Of course emacs has a knowledge base package that is available. I am not really sure why I doubt emacs can really do anything except be a good text editor… and maybe browse the web without issues. There actually seems to be two packages that function as a knowledge base within emacs. There is org-brain and org-roam. I chose org-roam because it has more features at the time of writing such as org-roam-ui.
Setting up org-roam in Spacemacs
According to the Org
layer page in the spacemacs documentation, add the following to
;; Enabling org-roam and org-roam-ui in spacemacs
(org :variablest
org-enable-roam-support t)
org-enable-roam-ui ;; Skipping down to the 'dotspacemacs/user-config' function
;; This line forces org-roam to use v2, which is required
;; to be able to use org-roam-ui
setq org-roam-v2-ack t)
;; Sets the directory for org-roam, or use the default ${HOME}/Documents/org-roam
setq org-roam-directory "/pick/a/good/dir/for/you")
;; Automates the database syncing (yes, org-roam is a databsae)
1) (org-roam-db-autosync-mode
Then restart Spacemacs. Theorectically at this point it should be working, however, I had quite a few issues with this. It kept giving me an error about a database not being avaiable. The resolution that worked for me was to use the ‘Update Packages’ button on the Spacemacs home screen. Following that process, assuming no catastrophic errors, it should being working after it is finished updating adn building all the packages.
Using Org-roam
After getting the packages installed and built we can start using
org-roam. The Spacemacs keybinding to create a new ‘node’ (think of this
as a note) is SPC a o r i
. Emacs will ask you for a name to
call the node, then open an org-mode buffer. Org-roam gives all the same
power that you would get with standard org-mode, but you can also link
nodes together to help simplify complex ideas. Each node can link to
other nodes, and interlink between common ideas, building a complex web
of information.
Org-roam-ui gives a very nice web visualization of not only each node, but how they connect. Clicking on the node will pull up the information contained within the node, allowing for very easy reading. The web interface is hosted on the local computer, though, hosting it remotely would surely not be too difficult if that is of interest.